Authentic Soundware offers the Space Age Sleigh Bells Kontakt instrument for FREE

Authentic Soundware’s Space Age Sleigh Bells delivers unmistakable Christmas charm, and it’s free until December 25, 2024 (requires Kontakt Full 6.7 or higher).

I only see one downside to this freebie; it might be wasted on us.

Let’s face it: If you don’t already own some space-age sleigh bells, what are you doing with yourself?

If asked what would make for the most kick-ass solo on a classic rock track, and your answer isn’t space-age sleigh bells, do you even like music?

YouTube video

All joking aside, there’s a time and place for everything, and the time for sleigh bells is right around the corner.

Sleigh bells are, of course, the unmistakable sound of Christmas and add a warm fuzzy feeling to any festive song.

Space Age Sleigh Bells feature four microphone positions and multiple articulations.

The microphone positions are Vintage Close/Room and Modern Close/Room. Authentic Soundware uses RCA 77DX, Gefell M300, U47 Tube, and RCA 44 microphones, and you get a nice little mixer to create the perfect blend.

The included articulations are basic onset hits, repetition hits, and rolls with either velocity or mod wheel dynamics. You can’t have sleigh bells without some rolls!

Space Age Sleigh Bells is a new addition to the Space Age Orchestra series; you can find various limited-time discounts across the range.

Of course, sleigh bells don’t make a song; they add ornamentation, character, and rhythm even, but you need other ingredients.

Composing in unfamiliar styles is always a worthwhile exercise, and Christmas songs are no different.

It doesn’t have to be composing something new; even taking a traditional song and putting a different spin on it is a learning experience and lots of fun.

Check out one of my favourite musicians, Justin Stanton, and his arrangement of “O Holy Night” for trumpet and synthesizer.

YouTube video

If we can look beyond the flagrant push from the consumer goods giants for everyone to buy more than they can afford and deal with the stress later, Christmas is still a time when many of us can be thankful to be around friends and family because not everyone is so fortunate.

In cheesy Christmas fashion, I’ll end by telling you a few of my favorite Christmas songs.

Everything from A Charlie Brown Christmas, thanks to the incredible Vince Guaraldi, and Sun Ra’s It’s Christmas Time.

Feel free to share yours in the comments or mock mine (although, you can’t really because they are awesome).

Download: Space Age Sleigh Bells (FREE until December 25 – requires Kontakt Full 6.7 or higher)


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