Blanketfort Audio is here to help us get phat drums with its new Breakshaper drum processing plugin.
The free macOS and Windows release is available in AU and VST3 formats.
Breakshaper is a tone shaping, dynamics, and distortion plugin that originated as the effects section of Blanketfort Audio’s Kontakt instrument SR Drums.

The plugin is designed to get your drums smacking like Will Smith as quickly as possible.
Breakshaper is available via a ‘name a fair price’ model on Blanketfort Audio’s Gumroad page.
You can pick up the plugin for $0 or more if you wish to support the developer’s work. And with Blanketfort Audio having the greatest name for an audio developer ever, why wouldn’t you want to support them?!
I found the download process quick and easy. All you need to do is provide an email address, and you’ll be forwarded to a page where you can download the 45.3 MB Zip file for the plugin.
Here at BPB, we appreciate the simple and no-hassle download process that’s available from Gumroad.
Breakshaper includes a state variable filter with modulation, distortion, compression, tilt/smile tone control and transient shaper.
These controls are split into four sections, with an included preset system.
Blanketfort Audio has produced a brief ‘no talking’ audio demo showing off some of the presets and how the controls interact with the signal.
The control scheme is a no-frills affair, with only a limited number of elements to play with.
Although the controls are simple, as the YouTube demo shows, there are still a lot of sonic possibilities available to the user that come from the interaction of the parameters.
The array of sounds from the plugin ranges from subtle modulation to more out-there sounds.
I could definitely see how chucking this on your drum bus and messing around could lead to some really creative drum sounds you might not otherwise come across.
The more out-there tones could be quite useful for making a certain section of the song really stand out before you come back to a more straight-ahead drum sound.
Blanketfort Audio is a developer from Melbourne, Australia currently offering five audio products on Gumroad.
If you’d like something similar from BPB, check out our free BPB Dirty Filter Plus plugin. It works great for adding distortion and mojo to drums and bass.
Download: Breakshaper(FREE / Name-your-price – email required)