Mensla launches FREE MS-3 waveshaper synthesizer with integrated effects

On Friday, Mensla launched the MS-3, a single oscillator waveshaper synthesizer with an envelope and filter section and integrated effects.

The free plugin is a macOS (AU) and Windows (VST3) release.

The synth is split into four sections, which, from left to right, are the waveshaper, envelopes and filter, effects, and graphical display.

YouTube video

The waveshaper allows you to draw the oscillator shape, edit the feedback amount sent to the phase input, and change the presets.

The envelopes and filter section has phase and pitch controls, as well as filters such as bandpass, lowpass, and highpass.

The effects section features tempo sync delay, verb, and bit crusher, as well as low, mid, and high band cuts and comb filter mods.

Mensla produced a ‘no talking’ YouTube demo for the release, showing off the synth in action with various waveshapes drawn – while the envelopes, filters, and effects are modified during the playback.  

The dev also dropped a shorter YouTube video labeled ‘MS-3 Intro, ’, which shows the synth in the context of a more fully fleshed-out track.

YouTube video

Additionally, there’s at least one longer form user demo on YouTube already, which gives even more insight into what the synth is capable of.

YouTube video

You can download the macOS and Windows installers from the product page with a single click, as well as a ‘no installer’ VST3 version of the plugin. 

I think it’s worth mentioning that the install instructions are a little easy to miss, as they’re right down the bottom of the page under the heading ‘Info’, which is minimized by default when you open the page.

The product page gives no indication as to what Mensla’s intentions were with the creation of the synth, but the dev reveals in the description of the intro video that the synth was made for producing dub techno and acid tracks. 

If you aren’t into those styles, then don’t click off just yet, though. 

To my ears, the MS-3 sounds phat and aggressive, with a retro touch to it. I could easily see how it could be put to good use for any kind of electronic and industrial music and even soundtrack work. 

The MS-3 is the follow-up to Mensla’s MS-2 free FM synthesizer, which launched in January 2023. 

If you want to support Mensla’s work, you can make a contribution via Patreon. 

Download: MS-3 (FREE)


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