Princess Ingrid Alexandra, a soldier in training and a future queen, has decided to extend her military service into next year.
Private Alexandra, as she is known in the military, announced her decision to extend her professional training with the Ingeniørbataljonen (Engineer Battalion) in Brigade Nord through a press conference.
Her service, which had been due to end at the end of the year, has been extended to April 2025, for 15 months of training in total.
“I have been challenged many times since I came in,” said the future queen of Norway.
“I think the most important thing I have learned is that you can do much more than you think, and you are much stronger together. Whether it’s in a team or in a platoon or company, you get a lot more done when you’re not alone.”
The future queen had been scheduled for a year of military service with the Engineer Battalion, which commenced in January. Her initial training is now complete, and the royal serves as a gunner on a CV90 STING vehicle, with the rank of Private.
Princess Ingrid Alexandra is serving at Skjold Camp in Indre Troms. The press was invited to a training exercise on 19 September, which saw the royal train with sharp explosives for only the second time.
Of her life at the military camp, Princess Ingrid Alexandra said: “I enjoy myself very much. It’s a varied everyday life, and we do a lot of exciting things. And then I have to brag about my company. They are incredibly good at motivating each other and making every day good. Without them I would not have enjoyed myself as much here.”
The Royal Court of Norway has not shared any updates on Princess Ingrid Alexandra’s plans for after April 2025. She could continue her military training or pursue higher education, like the rest of her royal peers.