Prime Time Playlist

Call in be on the air, voice your opinions and favourite music. Prime time music series all the latest new artist live in studio broadcasting.

In The Spotlight

In The spotlight features one band or artist music from there era.

Featured Artist

Show cases the feature new artist music from around the world.

Pop Music Now And Then.

Pop Music now and then is all the lastest past and present pop music from around the world.

Country Music Today

All the latest country music from around the world can be found here.

Rap Now And Then.

Rap now and then is all about Rap music from the roots to present, from around the world today.

Talk Box

Talk Box airs all the lastest in topics and general discussions, from politics to News, to new ideas and inventions.

Metis Nation

Metis Nation is all the music and culture from the North America Metis Region..

Classical Music Now And Then

Classical Music now and then airs all the classical music today from the past and to the current composers of today.

Late Night Comedy

Late night Comedy is all the latest stand up comedy from around the world that airs in studio and in the comedy halls.